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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月1日 单磊,黄文博,吴琼,张陈威




    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)02-0217-03

    Restoring the nasal lining with the mucoperichondrial composite flap in unilateral full-thickness defects of the lower nose

    SHAN Lei,HUANG Wen-bo,WU Qiong,ZHANG Chen-wei

    (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Southern medical university,Zhujiang hospital,Guangzhou 510282,Guangdong,China)

    Abstract: Objective To present a technique for nasal lining repair in unilateral full-thickness defects of the lower nose. Methods According to the lining of the defect area, we designed the corresponding size of contralateral septal mucoperichondrial composite flap, drew it through the incision of septal cartilage and secured it at the periosteum around the lining defect area. This method was applied in the lining repair of 8 cases, 3 male and 5 female after 6 to 12 months follow-up. The recovery outcomes were noted. Results This group of eight patients were in good vascular condition. The size of nasal cavity and nasal ventilation were normal. The septum strut was intact. The donor area of septum was recovered with respiratory epithelium. No perforation, infection or deviation occurred. Conclusions In the case of unilateral full-thickness defect of the lower nose, the lining repair method was more close to original loss tissue with good blood supply, less contraction degree, thinness and softness. It could provide good blood supply to the overlying cartilaginous framework, and maintain the nasal cavity in complete and natural form. We considered it as a good choice of the nasal lining reconstruction.

    Key words:nasal reconstruction;nasal septum;mucoperichondrial flap

    1920年鼻部整形医师Gillies曾指出[1]:对于有粘膜覆盖的腔隙应该重建其粘膜衬里。但事实上,很多医师仍未认识到鼻再造过程中其衬里修复的重要性。他们重建了鼻部外层皮肤的结构,不重视衬里修复,简单或不处理,遗留了一个粗糙,甚至裸露的鼻腔内面,任由其慢慢炎性愈合。结果是重建鼻外层皮瓣扭曲变形 ......
